Post 8 : Personal Opinions

Hi everyone! Sorry for uploading this post so late, I forgot to upload it at the correct time. This post is dedicated to personal opinions as the title says. Exists a very good song that is called "YO OPINO” and says in one part "opinion is necessary" and I find that it is true, one has to have certain positions on a subject. Usually when a person gives his opinion on any issue (whether controversial or not) There are people who agree, who respects the opinion or is against and some debate is formed. I am one of those who respect and try not to generate controversy with what I talk and think. Today I will think about something that I hope does not bother anyone. There is one thing and is happening in our faculty. I was talking to a teacher yesterday and it's about the safety and security of the terrain. Last week they went to steal the greenhouses 4 times, they steal the crops and if they do not burn them. The INIA no longer does research because they got bored of suffering these things. Outsiders ruin the projects to the faculty, they enter and it harms the people who develop studies and even then money is not invested in greater security. I think it is necessary to approve more budgets for the security of Antumapu, a place where many years ago many things were developed in favor of scientific studies and security issues, it is no longer an adequate place for them. I hope you understand this point of view. Regards


  1. I'm so sorry about the greenhouses T_T I also think that opinions are important! :D


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