Post 5 : My future job

Hello everyone, we're already in the middle of the posts and today's topic is about my future work. I think that the area that I like most in my career  is fruitculture, but I would like to work as a winemaker in a vineyard, also being a administrator coordinating everything agronomic in the vineyard. My second option would be to work in the research area, in laboratories. Before working I would like the option of some major, but if the opportunity is not given, I would work a couple of years and then enter some major. To choose the type of work, it must be according to the moment in my life, now it would not complicate me to go to work in another region, but if later I had to stay here in Santiago for one reason or another, I would look for another agriculture job. Just a few days ago I had thought about what to say in an-interview about myself. Three strengths of mine would be a methodical person, capable of working under pressure and being constant. With respect to the weaknesses, I find it hard to say them, but I know I have one of them is to accumulate things when I have problems and mentally explode at some point. Now I avoid saying things when I find something that I do not like.


  1. At least you know areas who you like, thats good beginning.

  2. I think working in a vineyard should be really interesting! :)


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